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视频名字:Harmonize  下载听经软件  随机看看

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Ballad of Earth Store(地藏王菩萨谣)

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视频介绍:作词:星云法师 作曲:佛光纽约青年团 编曲:JS组合陈忠义  The time has come to realize,Without world peace we can't survive,Our past is one that's filled with war,Compassion is what we are looking for,It fills me up with so much hope,To realize how beautiful,This world could be without anger,Which drives us all against each other Let's promise to us , our hearts and souls With wisdom we can gain control That's why we sing this song to you Just don't lost faith we're here for you So hold on and harmonize all that is wrong And work for a peace which is strong And gain some respect for this earch For all of mankind we will serve Let's harmonize all that is wrong And work for a peace which is strong And gain some respect for this earch For all of mankind we will serve
